
Just a little about me – my name is Brian, born and raised in Hawaii, went to college in California, lived and worked in Japan for 7 years, and now back in Hawaii.

This blog began back in 2014 when I first moved to Japan with the intent of creating a travel journal just for myself, family, and friends.  

This is not meant to be your typical travel blog.  This is just me sharing my honest thoughts and experiences… something of a personal travel journal.  

I am by no means a professional traveler, photographer, or blogger.  I sponsor all my own trips, I purchase all my own gear, and I manage this site on my own.  I will be happy to entertain any questions you might have about my travels, photos, or gear if you’re interested.

To see my latest posts, visit the blog page.  To search by area, check out the map page.  For a collection of my favorite photos, see the gallery (in the works).

Thank you for visiting my site and I hope you’ll be able to find something useful, inspirational, or enjoyable here. 

Much Mahalos!