Towadako, Oirase & Hirosaki

Jump ahead:

Day 1 | Train and bus to Towadako via Hachinohe, Towadako Hostel
Day 2 | Towadako boat cruise, walking around lake town
Day 3 | Oirase Gorge
Day 4 | Bus to Shin-Aomori, Train to Hirosaki, Hirosaki Castle & Park sakura, Hirosaki Sakura Hotel
Final Day 5 | Hirosaki to Shin-Aomori, Shin-Aomori to Home

Since I hadn’t done a proper trip to see the Northern Tohoku region yet, I wanted to plan a short trip to see some of the major cities up there.  Marie and I had initially looked into doing Towadako, Aomori, and Akita but we quickly realized that we didn’t have enough days to do all that properly.  In the end, we left out Akita and focused on Towadako and the rest of Aomori prefecture.  This eventually evolved into Towadako – with an emphasis on relaxing by the lake and walking through Oirase Gorge – followed by a famous cherry blossom festival in Hirosaki (hopefully).  Akita seemed to be more interesting for outdoor adventures (month of May was still too cold) and we didn’t feel like the actual city of Aomori had enough interesting things to do to keep us there…

General Info on Lake Towada:

Day 1 - Towadako (Lake Towada)

For transportation, we just went to the ticket office at our local train station and bought our Shinkansen tickets through the staff there.  We initially planned on buying a one-way ticket to Hachinohe (then bus it to Towadako) and a separate one-way ticket back from Aomori… the staff told us it would be cheaper if we just bought a round-trip ticket to/from Aomori and get off early at Hachinohe instead.  Sounded good to us!  I didn’t even know that was okay to do… what a nice tip!  Since we were doing this trip during Golden Week, we still had to pay for reserved seat prices and specify specific departure times even though we really weren’t able to get reserved seats on the shinkansen (sold out)… yet another reason why I try to avoid travelling during these times.  Luckily, we were smarter this time and brought our own solution to the no seat thing hehe.  The 0840 shinkansen from Tokyo station got us to Hachinohe around 1126 (¥16110/person).

Reserved ticket but not reserved seats
We planned ahead this time and brought our own stools to sit on... waaaay better
Hachinohe Station
Quick lunch at the train station
Pretty standard stuff

From Hachinohe to Towadako to Oirase to Shin-Aomori was all done using the JR bus network linked below.  They have a nice outline of the bus network in the linked PDF as well.  The bus ride from Hachinohe to Towadako was about ¥2670/person, departing at 1320 and then finally arriving at Towadako around 1535.

Access to Lake Towada:

Good info about the JR bus in English at the train station
Just outside Hachinohe Station going to the bus... it's cold!
JR buses
Gotta have our snacks
There were quite a bit of people as we were passing through the town of Towada.... seemed like art was a big draw there
One of the rest stops along the way
I always enjoy the feeling of entering the countryside
You actually get a free preview of the Oirase Gorge as you drive through to get to Towadako... so I guess if you're not up for all the walking, you can just ride the bus and get off here and there (especially if you have the 2-day pass)

For accommodations at Towadako, the options were very limited for 3 nights.  The only two we were seriously considering also happened to be at the extreme ends of our price range, one being Towadako Hostel and the other being Hotel Towadaso.  In the end we settled for Towadako Hostel since we just couldn’t justify the higher price of Hotel Towadaso in a place like this.  I normally shy away from hostels but in the end our choice ended up being good for this trip.  

Happy we're almost to our hostel
Passing by the only convenience shop (Kimura's) near our hostel but it was closed at the time
Walking up Highway 103
The local manhole hehe
Nice dog just relaxing at a random building
Made it to our accommodations for the next few nights...
Main entrance/Lobby
Everything is pretty much self-help and honor system... also has little goodies for sale scattered here and there (like below the counter there)
Nice enough owner... if you ask, he'll show you where his secret viewing spot is around the lake (we didn't go)
Just big enough
Really basic rooms, especially the "beds". Room rates were about ¥3900/person/night with breakfast and dinner included. Breakfast being toast and cereal items... and dinner being instant rice and curry packages (you can choose when you check in). We actually ended up taking all the rice and curry packages home lol
Fairly large building
There were a few other groups also staying here at the time

I can’t remember how or why, but just before the trip I was terribly sick.  So sick in fact that I still don’t know how I was able to make the trip to Towadako.  This really slowed down the pace of our trip and made us take it easy for the first couple days (good thing we didn’t plan to do much).  It also meant that I didn’t bother taking any notes on this trip so this post will be completely from my limited itinerary and very poor memory!

Day 2 - Towadako (Lake Towada)

Since I still didn’t have much energy from being sick, we decided to take it easy today and just stay around the lake area.  We started out just walking through the main town area and then on to Towada Shrine and the popular Otome no Zo Statue.

Still cold outside in May
Lounge/Eating area near the food line
Everything again is self-serve/self-help
I was surprised though that you're trusted enough to use everything freely... take this huge kitchen for example...
The place is pretty well stocked considering the grocery store situation around here
We didn't test the washer/dryer but they're there if you need them
Small selection for breakfast but enough for us anyway. The bread was all expired (but kept frozen)... there's an explanation there that it's just simply too hard to go out and buy fresh bread so often (considering there are no real grocery stores in the area)... it was understandable
Just some toast, orange juice, and cereal
Walking back towards the JR bus station near the lake
Inside the JR bus station there's a small omiyage shop
This is where you buy your bus tickets and get more info... everything is easy to understand even in English
Main road towards Akita Prefecture
Main road towards Towada Shrine
Oooo tempting
Pretty big ones... supposed to be local trout from the lake
One of her favorites hehe, even better when it's cold outside

There really is not much to this town at all… in fact, a lot of the buildings seemed to be in disrepair and/or abandoned all together. Only in small pockets (closer to the waterfront) was it nice enough to live up to the tourist destination hype.

Far end of town has some omiyage shops too but none of them stood out from the others... mostly sold all the same things. There are also a few more restaurants on this side too... probably more convenient if you can find accommodations in this area.
Walkway to the shrine... I believe they call it the Avenue of Cedars
At Towada Shrine
I was actually surprised at the number of people here...
I just like these tiny little forest worlds, like mini landscapes
Not too far from the shrine is the Otome no Zo Statue

Here’s some info on the statue:

Looking back towards the town area
Heading back into town
Looking towards the statue
Still to cold to ride these guys I think

After walking around the town for a while, we went on to do the round trip Towadako boat cruise (¥1400/person).  We didn’t want to do the one-way cruise and then have to catch the bus back to town, and the circle cruise was more than enough to satisfy us.

Lake Towada Boat Cruise:

Just outside the cruise ticket office
Inside ticket office
Small snack shop
Pretty spacious and not crowded at all
Nice rocks
Can still see some blossoms here and there
The rocks at the top were much more colorful in person
Snow still hasn't completely melted
Not bad for just a short cruise...

After the cruise we stopped into some of the nearby visitor centers just to have a peek.  Both of them are free to enter but they do close relatively early. 

Towada Lake Tourism Information Center:

Towada Visitor Center:

We also crossed into Akita prefecture briefly to eat at a small cafe with some great apple pastries… Most of the town resides on the Aomori side of the border but when you cross the little stream you’re actually in Akita!  Funny enough, the border extends out into the lake too… how they know where that line is, I’ll never know… I suppose it’s like crossing the equator in the ocean?

Cafe Aka Tonbo:

Reminds me a little of my college campus
Display of the local trout in the lake
At Cafe Aka Tonbo
Ohhh look at that... I'm not usually one for chunky apple desserts but this was good... especially since it was cold outside
Towada Visitor Center
The visitor centers seem to be kept in great shape in contrast to the rest of the town...

For dinner we just walked back towards the bus station area on the main road and picked the restaurant that just looked better.  There weren’t many options to begin with so we couldn’t be very picky.  

After dinner we just walked back to the hostel, stopping by at the small convenience store to see what they had and to pick up some snacks.  There wasn’t much but at least they were still open hehe.

Not much English here... I just asked Marie to order me something with meat eheh
The sides
ohhh so good... warmed me right up and great for my sickness too
Marie's choice
Back at the Kimura Store
This is pretty much the only store for the entire lake town area

Day 3 - Oirase Gorge

Since I was feeling a little better each day, I felt good enough to walk through most of Oirase Gorge on our third day.  Oirase Gorge is one of the “must see” places in the area… I would go so far as to say it’s even more popular than Lake Towada itself.  What we ended up doing was catching the JR bus from Towadako to Ishigedo (¥960/person), walked through the gorge, and then caught the bus from Chyoshi-Otaki back to Towadako (¥660/person).  We had initially planned on walking from Yakeyama all the way to Nenokuchi, but we didn’t feel it was worth pushing it just to see a little extra (plus we already saw it on the bus ride). 

General Info on Oirase Gorge:

Same simple breakfast
Use the machine to buy your tickets
Ishigedo bus stop
At Ishigado Rest Area right at the Ishigedo bus stop

There are restrooms and some food/souvenirs here too, which makes it an ideal starting point for a lot of people:

Our picture at the start
Most of the trail is a path on the side of the road like this... it never gets too hard or messy
Interesting plants everywhere
Ferns are always cool
Pretty big stream.. the water really moves
Different point of views
Can't remember what I was looking at lol
Mostly just a long nature walk with a few highlighted spots here and there as pointed out on the guide. This was Chisuji falls.
Kumoino Falls
Peaceful enough... the closer you get to Towadako the less people there are since most people are just on quick day trips
Shironuno Falls
Just a cool stairway overgrown
I think the lower half (closer to Towadako) was the nicer half
They had at least one restroom along the way
Kudano Falls
Approaching Choshio Falls, one of the bigger attractions along the route. There is also a bus stop here so many people get off here just to see the waterfall.
Choshio Falls
Choshio Falls
The bus stop right next to Choshio Falls (don't ask me about spelling because everywhere I look it's spelled differently eheh). We ended up just catching the bus back to Towadako from here.
¥660/person from Choshi Ootaki to Towadako

Dinner this night was right next to where we ate dinner the night before.  If I remember correctly, there were only the two restaurants on the main street anyway, plus they were easiest so we just stuck to them.  I think the first night was better but we were too hungry to notice much anyway.

After dinner we just walked back up towards the hostel, stopping by a small pop-up apple tent on the side of the road.  Our last night at the lake was just spent relaxing and still trying to get better from being sick.

At least I could use Google translate on this menu
Pretty good but I think the first place was just a little better
Marie's hot pot
Finally got to try (though it was relatively expensive... something like ¥1000 for one)
Small little pop-up apple goods shop (of course Aomori is famous for apples)

Day 4 - Hirosaki

Today we checked out of our hostel and the owner was nice enough to give us a ride to the bus stop in town.  We caught the 0820 JR bus (¥3090) from Towadako to Shin-Aomori station, arriving just after 1100.  From Shin-Aomori station, we hopped on the train to Hirosaki station (¥580/person, 1128 to 1200), where we then proceeded to our hotel for the night.  

Access from Lake Towada:

The hostel owner giving us a ride to the bus station
We never noticed this guy before off to the side of the bus station parking lot
My favorite dog of the trip... he was actually pretty playful when we went closer
Just some new scenery heading North towards Aomori city
Even more snow up here
It's a little more mountainous than the ride from Hachinohe
Rest stop along the way, I believe this was at Sukayu Onsen. There's more than a few up in the mountains here which could probably be its own trip for many people.
Coming out of the mountains
Finally made it to Shin-Aomori station!
Yeah... this was still a thing at the time
Tracks to Hirosaki
Inside Hirosaki Station
Hotel was not too far from the station, just outside the west exit.

Hirosaki Sakura Hotel:

Since it was still too early to check in, we dropped our bigger bags off at the hotel and began walking over towards Hirosaki Castle. We stopped along the way at a small restaurant where we had some soba and other local foods for lunch…. 


Walking along the main street, Sakura Odori
Outside Kikufuji Main Shop
I think this was the Ke no Jiru or vegetable potage, another Aomori style food
Igamenchi - like a fried squid minced patty, considered to be Aomori cuisine

It wasn’t too much further to get to Hirosaki Castle.  We were catching the very tail end of the sakura festival so we weren’t sure how good the flowers were going to be… I would say we were hopeful but didn’t set our expectations too high. 

Lot of food stands here and there
Inner gate, south side
Have to pay to get into the main castle area... this was the south ticket office
Just past the ticket office
The main castle... smaller than I thought it would be
Trying to get that perfect shot hehe
Just as we kind of expected, the sakura were already disappearing... not even close to what you might see on Google during the peak blossom season, especially in the moat area. Either way, we were just taking it easy and walking around peacefully.
We went into the castle briefly just to take a quick look... as you can imagine from the outside there's not much to see inside.
Mt. Iwaki in the background

After visiting the castle grounds, we continued walking around the nearby park where they had another part of the festival going on… here there were more food stands and entertainment going on.  They even had one of those old school motorcycle spherical death cage things like in The Place Beyond the Pines.

Walking towards the northern part of the park
One of the bigger omiyage shops
Some snacks for us hehe
More food!
At least these were pretty nice
Like traveling back in time here...
Yep, nobody riding... seems about right
First time seeing one of these motorcycle cages in real life
Old games, new prizes hehe
Walking back through the parks towards the south entrance

After what was already a pretty long day, we stopped into the Hirosaki Municipal Tourist Center very briefly just to look around.  

Hirosaki City Tourist Hall:

Tourist hall, looking from castle park side
Large omiyage shop inside
Some of what Aomori prefecture is most known for
Some bunaco or wooden crafts, mostly boxes... really nice

I didn’t feel like walking all the way back to the hotel after so we ended up catching one of the buses back towards the hotel.  We picked up our bags and checked-in, then went to our room to relax for a bit.

Cheap shuttle bus... I think it was specifically for the sakura festival event so it was only ¥100
In our last room!
Nice to have a proper bed this time
View from our hotel

For dinner, we went looking for some ramen across the train tracks.  We crossed through the station and ended up getting our Hirosaki style ramen fix at Shinasoba Akiraya.  It was a little bit of a walk getting there but the place had good ratings on tabelog.

Just a goofy picture passing through the train station
At the ramen shop
This was like a Niboshi style ramen, local version from Hirosaki using a fish-based broth and Chinese-style noodles
This was just so-so... still can't beat a hot bowl of ramen in cold weather though
Just a sea of bicycles at the park and ride near the station
Never seen this before, and didn't expect to see it in a place like Hirosaki hehe

Final Day 5 - Homeward Bound

The final day of our trip was really just trying to get home in one piece, knowing that everywhere was going to be crowded again (as travelling during Golden Week always is).  We checked out of our hotel a little earlier and then managed to catch the 0953 train from Hirosaki, back to Shin-Aomori by 1031 (¥580/person).  We took our time at Shin-Aomori station since our shinkansen train wasn’t until 1315.  They had some decent food options there with nice gift shops… the apple soft-serve we got was especially good hehe.  From Shin-Aomori to Yokohama was a little over 3 more hours of travel (and ¥16110/person) so needless to say, we were glad to be home after this short trip.  

Back at Shin-Aomori Station
Restaurant/Food/Waiting area
Never too cold for soft serve hehe
The shops here are pretty good too. Bought some snacks and lacquered goods, more popular items from Aomori
Going back was easier than coming.... still just a long trip to get home
Departing shot... till next time!

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