Phew, this is going to be a big entry. Earlier parts of moving here I heard of an area in Japan that’s supposed to be the most scenic bicycle ride in the entire country. It was always in the back of my mind as something I’d like to do, and by some chain of events I found out there was an event taking place on the route where they shut the expressway down exclusively for bicyclists in the event.
See link below for event information:
There are multiple route options and I chose to do the longest (complete) round-trip route (best bang for the buck); 150km from Imabari to Onomichi and back to Imabari. Because it’s such a popular event, there is a lottery system for applicants as there are only 500 spots for the complete “A” course. I also didn’t realize until the day of the event that it is only held every two years, so for me to have been selected on the first try was extremely lucky and they even emphasized this at the starting ceremony. Now, in planning for the event, one of the first things I noticed was that the shinkansen ticket to Shikoku was very expensive each way if I were only going there for one weekend (about ¥20,000 each way). Even if it was a great event and I was lucky to get selected, I had a hard time justifying this cost if only for the weekend. Then the idea hit me to combine this event with something else I’ve been meaning to do during my time here in Japan, and that’s to see the countryside by bicycle. Originally I had envisioned something like Tokyo to Osaka but Yokohama to Imabari was actually longer so that fit the bill. Then I’d only have to pay for one way on the Shinkansen while using the other would-be train fare on hotels to make a week long trip out of it…. perfect right??? I also thought about camping it on the way down but being my first tour and finding legit campsites legally is difficult for me after some research. A little later I found out that there were no hotels available in Imabari for that weekend so the plan changed to the much bigger city of Matsuyama (more to do there anyway)…. so all planning things aside, I set out to ride from Yokohama to Matsuyama to arrive there in time for the event and then return by train. If you want to get into the details of planning this trip, you can just ask me directly, but being my first bicycle tour obviously there was a lot of guess work, conditioning, research, and even testing involved.

So, after a lot of anticipation and preparation (hotels booked, route selected, equipment tested, etc), I set off on my own little adventure by bicycle. For this trip, I kept a handwritten journal/notepad/my cheaper pocket camera (not as good pics but way more convenient), a gps watch, and my gopro. I took a lot more video than pictures.
Day 1 - Yokohama to Fuji

Was feeling good the first half, hence not stopping until 42 miles in, however I think this was a mistake because the second half I had no energy to catch up to me. Made a note to self to stop early for food/rest, even if not hungry.
Punishing second half and the weather wasn’t even good for viewing Mt. Fuji… downhill section into Fuji was also difficult due to the steep grades and load on the bike… Had to stop just because my hands were cramping on the brakes. Highway 246 not good for bicycles especially in the tunnels (way too loud and not safe). 469 was all uphill and completely drained me. 24 was all downhill as mentioned before.
Day 2 - Fuji to Hamamatsu

Relatively easy first half but forced myself to take a break earlier anyway. Ride was a little slower due to improvising on the route a bit. Highway was too major for riding on so I had to find side roads that still led me in the general direction, plus time spent playing with the gopro.
Highway 1 did not work at all today… 381 through Shimada was a very long and boring stretch but the climb up the 2nd mountain was just right. Very long stretch again to Hamamatsu.
To be continued!