Osaka/Nara/Kobe Part 4

Day 6 - Osaka

Last day in the area. Had originally planned on spending two days around Kobe however I was feeling satisfied with everything that I did the day before. Since I wasn't going to go to Universal Studios by myself, I figured the next best thing on my list was the aquarium.
This is the shopping mall right next to the aquarium... didn't have breakfast yet so I went looking.
Found this loco moco... haha it wasn't that good... different from the real one but still good enough for breakfast.
Looking at the entrance to the aquarium
The first guys to greet you when you enter. Some lady thought it was a good idea to try to pet them and almost got her hand chewed on (do penguins have teeth?)
I wasn't expecting a whole lot from the aquarium since I didn't do too much research into it but they had some pretty cool things to look at. One of the better aquariums I've been to actually.
Whale sharks! Although, I expected them to be a little bigger but maybe these are just captivity sized...
Ohhh, the sun fish that my old mentor used to talk about. They are so mysterious and I finally got to see a live one!
Just thought these fish swam funny
Jellyfish hall
Heading into the polar area
Cute little critters... hard to take pictures of though... about the size of a fingernail
Such a happy fella. Overall, I was very satisfied with the aquarium... if going, probably plan on spending at least a good half day there... if you want to actually read, take your time, learn more things, then a full day should be good. I tend to travel faster by myself.
After the aquarium, it was about mid afternoon so I headed back to the Umeda Sky building to do the observatory deck (that I didn't get to do that first night - see Part 1).
Way less crowded than the first night. Went up with no wait at all.
The center of the roof top. The observatory area has an indoor floor and an outside deck, both are pretty great.
Looking north
Indoor viewing, just one side
Looking down the river, southwest
You can purchase love locks with names engraved on it, then lock it to this fence area.
Sweeping view West
And if you look far enough in the distance, you can see Kobe!
Sun going down
I had a prime spot next to all the more serious photographers...
Perfect sunset
So huge
Then a final view of the city at night. I would have to say that this observatory was one of the best that I've been to... big part of that is because you're not looking through a glass, another was the view, and then the perfect sunset... all to close out the trip more or less. Gave me a lot of time to reflect on the entire trip before heading back home.

Final Day 7

Ahh yes... time to go home.
But of course have to eat something!
Hello Fuji-san

That about wraps up my Osaka/Nara/Kobe series… oh and a belated Happy New Year too!  Next up will by my much anticipated trip to Hokkaido for the numerous snow/ice festivals they had going on in February.  There’s also a trip to Taiwan, and spring means flowers festivals in Japan so stay tuned for all that as well!

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