Osaka/Nara/Kobe Part 2

Day 4 - Nara

Nara day... famous for the deer park, however there are also a lot of historical places here. Pretty accessible by train, straight shot almost all the way to the park. Bit of an ancient city, which gives it a pretty cool vibe.
Just a small pond next to Kofukuji on Sanjo Dori

Kofukuji, one of the Seven Great Temples:

Sanjo Dori, main street from Nara Station leading to the Nara Park

Rather than going straight to the park, I thought it best to see some of the outlying temples first. Gangoji Temple is on the southwestern side of the park… a relatively small temple but it is a World Heritage Site:

Garden near Nara Hotel
Southwestern edge of Nara Park
One of my favorite type of bird...
First deer sighting! This one is kind of dirty and not so nice (personality) looking eheh
Entered the park through an entrance on the southern side near this lake. Nice peaceful atmosphere away from the crowds of tourists.
Came across this lady selling some sweet potatoes, nice and hot... but what I didn't realize then is that the price is per weight, not per potato, so naturally I ended up paying more just because
ohhh so good for a chilly stroll through the park...
The deer just roam around without much care for you unless you have deer crackers (sold around the park)
I walked north towards the middle of the park, then turned east to explore what I would call the backside of the park... many smaller shrines and a little bit of a walk, but still peaceful and not as crowded back there.
These line many of the paths leading to shrines
On the very eastern side up against the hill is this small area with a row of shops and even more deer roaming around freely. Good place to rest
Sometimes the deer can be a little aggressive if they see you have food... there was one little girl that was just terrified of the deer, and when the father tried to scare it away the deer kind of stomped at him but then walked away. Still, seemingly safe place though.
Basically followed the perimeter of the park, working my way back to the middle. This is in the northeastern part of the park, Todaiji Nigatsudo.
Nice view from the top
Just walking along these paths it's easy to feel like you're back in time a bit
Todaiji, probably the biggest attraction at the park, and also where the crowds were
Huge statue housed inside
Even things for the kids to do!
Then finally made my way back to what you might call the main park area... seems like this is where all the tour groups go to visit and that's it
Just a deer drinking water hehe
On the way out, I still had some time so I sort of breezed through the Nara National Museum
Outside of the National Museum and around the main touristy entrance to Nara Park
Went to a random, small restaurant for dinner
Back at the train station to end the day.

Overall, it was a nice quick trip to Nara and it was actually eye opening to find out just how much history took place there.  Definitely a unique place to visit and well worth taking the time to see.

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