Hong Kong Day 3 & 4

Day 3

Day 3 started out pretty rainy but as I had accomplished most of the things on my list already, I decided it was time to focus more on eating than sightseeing hehe.  So, despite the rain, I set out to find some local things to try.

First "restaurant", Sing Heung Yen. I was looking for an actual restaurant or sign or something to tell me where it was and then finally realized, this was it
Instant tomato noodles w/ beef, pork chop, egg... I would consider this comfort food at best
Butter & Honey w/ Lemon on crispy bun! This was good!
I read somewhere this place had THE original milk tea.... however I have no way of verifying that statement
When I ordered, I simply pointed at the people drinking the milk tea next to me as if to say, "I want that drink," however they took it to mean, "Give me their whole meal."... and I already ate a full breakfast! haha... I still finished it all.
Rain started to clear up so in the afternoon I headed over to the waterfront
Convention Center
Iconic boat
The very old, Star Ferry. I caught a ride to the other side so I could check out the Avenue of Stars
The view looking back
Many statues along the boardwalk
And of course, the ever so popular Bruce Lee statue
Walked through Chungking Mansion but it was pretty sketchy in there so I didn't hang around long
Stuck around long enough to see the light show, which was pretty impressive considering so many of the buildings take part in it
To finish the day off I stopped by at the Tsui Wah, which serves a large variety of dishes for pretty cheap

Final Day 4 (sort of)

Another day just spent at a leisurely pace, eating whenever I could fit more in my stomach.

The first meal of the day was huge... congee with all sorts of meat and fish in it. Plus, the honey lemon drink quickly became my go-to drink in Hong Kong
Roast duck, soo good when the skin is still crispy. Went with the noodle version, and again, the honey lemon drink!
Street market, various fruits/veggies/meats
Interesting storage
Kau Kee Special... very tasty
Ohh... so Tim Ho Wan... very popular dim sum place gave me such a hard time. For one thing I could not find it at first and secondly, I was fooled. I thought I had found it but turns out I was in the restaurant next to it. Tim Ho Wan was under renovation at the time so I could not get any dim sum..
Settled for hot and sour soup
With good sized dumplings and some milk tea
At night, I went over to the temple street market just to kill time really
Nothing interesting for me...
And observing the night life

This trip continues in Macau!

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