Yokohama DeNA BayStars vs. Hiroshima Toyo Carp!

Well, it took a while but this one was a big check off the Japan bucket list haha… my first baseball game! Or, at least the first one watching from inside the stadium hehe… Sooo the BayStars are Yokohama’s team and while they did sit in first place in their division for a couple days they are now in second to last place…. I guess BayStars fans are used to it from what I hear? Anyway, I would’ve liked to have been a Giants fan since I like the San Francisco team however I can’t not root for my next door neighbors haha. Just so happens the BayStars won this night and I even got to witness a grand slam…. not bad for my first game! I’ve heard of how crazy the atmosphere at the games are and to my great satisfaction, all of it was true. There’s nothing quite like it…. soooo, here are some simple pictures and videos for you to enjoy!

The home team fans occupy all the right half of the stadium (1st base line), and the opposing team the left (3rd base line)
Seats in the outfield are cheapest, however when I say they're tight, I mean they're tight... barely enough room for legs and I kept elbowing the people behind me on accident... I suppose this is why most people just stand... that, and the outfield is where the most of the noise comes from haha
You can see the red of the Carp fans on the opposite side of the stadium. It amazes me how many people travel from their hometowns to follow their team
The famous beer girls... gotta be hard work
¥500 for a beer? Not bad for ballpark prices
Victory celebrations! Only when they win and I'm told no later than 10pm

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