Summer Festivals!

Summer has pretty much come and gone…. the weather is finally starting to cool down a bit. One thing I’ve noticed with the seasons here is that the best ones (Spring/Autumn) are the shortest ones, and just when the other ones (summer/winter) start to get unbearable, they begin to change. Not bad at all! The months of July/August are pretty jam packed with various festivals, so this year I made an effort to go to as many as possible, switching it up between fireworks and bon dances here and there. Not too many words this time… just to give you an idea of what it’s like aside from being hot, humid, and crowded! haha…. so here’s just a few from the many, in no particular order:

Asakusa Toro Nagashi
August 15, 2015

Looking from the eastern side of the river
There was a really long line of people waiting to put their lanterns in the water... somewhat different from the one in Hawaii, this one goes much slower
The bridge crossing the river gets especially crowded with people trying to take pictures

Chofu Fireworks
August 22, 2015

At all the fireworks shows, the train stations nearest to the site are always way too crowded
The entire river bank was filled with people. Can forget lining up for food at the booths
Best to come early,with groups, so someone can save a spot. Also, coming alone has its advantages as I could squeeze into a spot more easily.
On this night, there were several fireworks shows going on along the same river. You can see them in this picture in the distance.

Hachioji Matsuri
August 9, 2015

This festival was just a mash up of everything it seemed.
As they pass each other, they play music and dance to try to throw the other group off their rhythm. I believe these are the places where Gods may rest during festivals.
There is also a mini mikoshi parade
Of course they shut the streets down
This kid got moves haha
Always trying new street food
I was actually on my way back to the train station when I heard these guys playing from inside a parking garage... very animated and they really knew how to go all out haha

Ikegami Bon Odori
August 5, 2015

Food and game booths
Baked potato with sides of kim chee, butter, spicy miso, and something else I don't know what it was lol
This is something new to me, deep fried spaghetti sticks

Itabashi Fireworks
August 1, 2015

Walking from the station to the river
Still crowded haha
But plenty of seating on the hill side. Again, coming alone has its advantages, but these are better enjoyed with friends/family next to a cooler full of food and drinks.
This particular fireworks show attracted me because it's actually two in one. The town on the other side of the river launch their fireworks simultaneously to create one larger show.
Very peaceful night lights

Kanagawa Shimbun Fireworks
August 4, 2015

This year I kind of winged it and didn't get tickets. This was one of the only fireworks shows I went to previously and was one of my first blog entries too I think. I have to say, it was much more enjoyable just paying for a ticket and getting into one of the parks to view the fireworks. Everywhere else just has trees/buildings/people obstructing the view.
Got one photo from over the fence haha... I actually like this one... reminds me of the closing scene to Meet Joe Black for some reason.

Minatomirai Bon Odori
August 14, 2015

I guess you could say this is my "hometown" bon dance... though Mililani Hongwanji will always take that title haha
The same pattern I noticed is that these are mostly for families and children... it was raining this night so I didn't stay long

Mitama Matsuri
July 14, 2015

One of the more controversial places in Tokyo from what I read due to war time history.
They had a small museum next to the event... lobby entrance was free
A Zero fighter. I've always been attracted to this plane... of course, purely from an engineering standpoint

Azabu-Juban Noryo Festival & Roppongi Hills Bon Odori
August 23, 2015

I'm still not exactly sure what I was walking into for the Azabu-Juban Noryo festival... it just seemed like many crowded streets with many local restaurant booths selling food... way too crowded for me so I simply walked through and that was it.
Wandered over to Roppongi Hills where they were having their bon dance the same weekend. At this point in the summer, I was beginning to get exhausted from all the crowded events so I didn't stay here long either. Just wanted to see what it was like there.

Shinjuku Eisa Festival
July 25, 2015

A huge event in Shinjuku with a lot of song and dance from Okinawa... very entertaining and probably one of my favorite events of the summer... I tend to like all things Okinawa.
Stumbled across Godzilla... didn't even notice the building next to it looks like a barcode haha

Sumida River Fireworks
July 25, 2015

Ugh, the event even locals warn me to stay away from due to the crowds. Probably the most crowded event aside from the Tokyo Bay Fireworks... They launch fireworks from two different places along the river but they're so far apart that it's hard to get a view of both at the same time. Also, they block off much of the waterfront so unless you're in one of the nearby buildings or on a river boat it's seemingly impossible to get a worthwhile view.
They try to set up boundaries for viewing but once the fireworks start, people just start standing wherever.
Not being able to get a good view of even one of the fireworks, and tired of the crowd, I just left after ten minutes.
Too many people
Just getting back into the station was crazy with all the people still coming out. I'm glad I left early, would've been impossible leaving after the fireworks.

Tokyo Bay Fireworks
August 8, 2015

Ahhh... another crazy event.... way too crowded and probably better off buying tickets way in advance. I walked for at least an hour just trying to get a good angle to view the show from but no luck.
Ended up crammed in some side street
Still wasn't worth staying the whole show so I decided to leave early again to beat the crowd. Just trying to get out of this street was almost impossible... had to literally squeeze through people on the sidewalk who just gave me dirty looks. I also had to use the bathroom so that added to my agitation of people not letting me out of there.
Even people away from the waterfront just park their cars to watch the show.
And one last view prior to getting back on the train

Yokohama Sparkling Festival
July 18-19, 2015

One of the weekend events in my neighborhood just celebrating the port town... they showed fireworks on two nights of the weekend, one of which I viewed from the waterfront.
The second night I just watched from town
Nice panoramic view

Overall, it was a pretty busy summer.  Towards the end I was getting a little burnt out but I still made it a point to see as much as possible.  The firework shows along the river turned out to be better than the ones in the city and the other festivals were all unique in their own way.  I do think next year I’ll stick to buying tickets in advance for the more crowded ones… it’s just more enjoyable that way.  

This parting shot is my collection of fans from all the events in the summer… usually people give them away for free haha… these and always carrying around a face towel are essential to surviving summers in Japan!  Stay tuned for more on my trip to Hong Kong and Macau!

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