Hey again…. so this post has been a long time coming but I finally got around to typing something up for it. I took advantage of the July 4th holiday weekend to take a short trip over to Hiroshima and Miyajima… Hiroshima for its historical significance and Miyajima because of the good food and famous torii gate. I kind of had an idea of what I wanted to see before going but part of the difficulty in planning the trip was accounting for the emotional side of things… which is something new that I haven’t encountered before. While visiting Hiroshima I wanted to be respectful enough and keep an open mind to much of what I was going to see, but I wasn’t sure exactly how I would react while there which made planning some of my other activities around that time a little more difficult… wanting to enjoy while still being respectful and giving the place the thoughts it deserves…. am I making any sense? Ahh well, this trip turned out to be one of my favorite so far and I definitely want to go back (I think I say that about a lot of places in Japan)… especially Miyajima.
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Although it was just a weekend trip, I enjoyed it very much, especially Miyajima Island. I would go back just to stay on the island for a couple nights, hike and explore the rest of the island, and of course, eat more food!
It’s hard to believe I’ve been here over a year already… time is flying and I’m just trying to make the most of it. Experienced so many great things in the past year and there’s still so much more to do and see here… it’s pretty crazy… and if that wasn’t enough, I just got a new job/promotion here so even more changes to come…. we’ll see how that affects my situation here in a bit… hopefully for the better.
This past month was a real scorcher, especially with all the humidity… but it seems like the intense part of summer is over. Been trying to go to as many firework shows and bon dances since this is the season… more to come on those later! Take care till then