Kyoto Day 3

Day 3 in Kyoto! I planned this day to cover the south eastern side (in relation to Kyoto Station). Another day of great weather and hot bike riding. Let’s get straight to the pictures!

Starting the day off with coffee and pastries... fancy siphoned coffee - nice, fresh, clean - also fun to watch it being made.
Crossing the river going East
Got a little turned around and ended up having to cross the tracks multiple times eheh
First stop of the day was Tofuku-ji. It wasn't on my original plan for the day but I had some extra time so I decided to stop by. This place had a little bit of everything and turned out to be really nice.
I don't know how they keep their gardens so nice... the sand too, especially if it rains
Next, I made my way to the very popular, Fushimi Inari Shrine
Much larger than I was expecting, but me being me I had to go all the way to the top hehe
The part where everyone stops to take pictures
Took a side trail away from the gates and ended up wandering around on a side trail for a bit... met back up with the gates after about 20 minutes.
Along the way they have these little tea houses you can stop in at to rest
At the beginning of the upper loop aka crossroads. Nice view!
Filling in with fresh black paint.... one at a time....
Made it to the top! haha
Heading back down
Leaving to go to the third place for the day, Daigo-ji. Took a wrong turn on the bike again haha...
Come across this a lot, just a group of kids all riding their bikes together.
At Daigo-ji area... looking for bicycle parking. Eventually I tried asking the ticket lady and she pointed to the ditch (see side of paths in picture). Ended up propping my bike up in the ditch right in front of the ticket window. Do this anywhere else and my bike would've probably been gone after I got back.
One of the three sections of the grounds... in here was the garden area.... it exists only in my memory now because they didn't allow photos once inside... it was that great of a garden.
The main reason why I went there, all the way in the back of the grounds. Had the place to myself, aside from the mosquitos but so peaceful regardless.
Riding my bike back to the hotel, crossing more and more rivers
Behind Kyoto Station
Walking through Pontocho area. Read that it's a great nightlife place to go for a nice meal.
The backside of many restaurants allow you to eat over a part of the river
So I went and tried it out hehe
Restaurant Alley
Looking back at the Pontocho area. Many people come here to just sit at night, drink beer, and enjoy the sounds of the river.... one of my favorite spots no doubt.
After dinner I decided to take a short night ride through Gion district and up to Kiyomizu-dera
Still on the way, I believe this was Hokan-ji on the way to Kiyomizu-dera
Had the street all to myself! Bit of an uphill ride but still amazing to ride along these roads at night in Japan.
Kiyomizu-dera at night to conclude Day 3

Almost forgot, here’s the link to my Strava segment of the day! You can see all my wrong turns haha

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