Winter is almost over and Spring is on the way! Bit of a rough winter, got sick twice, once after Singapore and another time in March. Not sure if the pollen season had anything to do with the second time but apparently it does affect many people.
Anyway, after being sick for a good part of the year I was itching to get out and do something. So, on March 22nd I took a one day trip to Nagano via shinkansen to see some snow monkeys! Figured since the snow would be melting soon it was as good a time as any to go see them taking a bath in their famous onsen!

I should be having a few more entries coming up shortly! Sakura season has been in full swing these past couple of weeks and is sadly ending already. Yokohama is even more beautiful this time of year, when it’s not raining and cold. Some other events I’ve signed up to watch for this month and next, a horseback archery tournament in Tokyo, a Doki Doki flea market in Chiba, and a sumo tournament in Tokyo! So lots of pictures and stories to come, stay tuned!