Camp Zama Golf Course

This one is for all you golfers out there. Before coming to Japan I wasn’t expecting to get much golf in due to all the rumors about how expensive it is here (and I don’t have a car… yet?) but lucky me, some of my new coworkers love to golf! So, on July 27 four of us hopped into one car and drove out to Camp Zama (about $20 in tolls round trip…). Made a pit stop at a 7-Eleven (amazing store, so convenient… more on that later) for some coffee (the largest cup was small) and then arrived at the golf course by 7 am, ready to tee off at 8:10 am. One of the benefits of government golf courses is that they’re cheap! Just like in Hawaii… actually, maybe even cheaper. You can see the pricing chart in one of the pictures below. I got the $5 rental clubs and off we went! The golf course here had a lot more hills than I was expecting (would not walk this course), and while not that long, was a pretty difficult course. It was really humid and also the most sun-burnt I’ve gotten in a long time (who would’ve thought it’s hotter in Japan than Hawaii?) but it was all worth it. Ended up shooting an 86 I think and I’ll attribute that to the most game improvement set of rental clubs $5 can buy. Can’t say much on change in distances since they’re not my clubs but I’m sure I can give an update on that once my set gets here. All in all, a great day!

Oh, and I’ve heard rumors of a public golf course out in Chiba that might charge only 5000 JPY (approx.) on weekdays…. hhmmmm…

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